
PARAMORE akan mengebrak Jakarta

Paramore merupakan sebuah grup musik asal Amerika Serikat yang dibentuk pada tahun 2004. Grup musik ini bermarkas di Franklin, Tennessee. Saat ini mereka beranggotakan 3 orang yaitu vokalis Hayley Williams, Bassist Jeremy Davis, dan gitaris Taylor York. Sejak terbentuk, mereka telah mengeluarkan 3 studio-album (All We Know Is Falling, Riot!, dan Brand New Eyes) dan 1 EP (The Summer Tic EP) serta sebuah live-album (The Final Riot!)

Paramore dibentuk pada tahun 2004 di Franklin, Tennessee, Amerika Serikat oleh vokalis Hayley Williams, lead-guitarist Josh Farro, drummer Zac Farro, rhythm-guitarist Taylor York, dan bassist Jason Clarke. Namun pada saat mereka akan masuk ke dunia major label, pihak label kurang setuju dengan keberadaan Taylor York dan Jason Clarke. Kemudian Hayley membawa bassist Jeremy Davis dan rhythm-guitarist Jason Bynum untuk menggantikan mereka, dan pihak label pun setuju. Paramore lalu menandatangani kontrak dengan Fueled by Ramen. Nama Paramore sendiri dikabarkan diambil dari nama ibu dari bassist pertama mereka.

Mudah-mudahan tidak ada halangan ..group band asal Amerika ini akan datang bulan Agustus 2011 ke Jakarta yang akan mengebrak dengan musicnya di gedung JHCC

Diharapkan kedatangan band asal Amerika ini akan memenuhi rasa haus pada pencinta music tersebut.

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Yamaha announce Spies contract extension

Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. and Ben Spies have signed a one-year extension to the current rider agreement that will see Spies continue as a Yamaha Factory Racing rider in 2012.

Lin Jarvis, Managing Director of Yamaha Motor Racing, said: “We are obviously delighted to announce the continuation of our partnership with Ben for the 2012 season and we hope that he will remain at Yamaha for many years to come. Ben has shown his ability to successfully compete at the highest level; firstly by becoming Yamaha’s first World Superbike champion in 2009 and then attaining the status of Best Rookie in 2010 with the Tech3 Yamaha Team.”
“His transition to the Yamaha Factory Racing team in 2011 has just begun and we have every confidence in Ben’s abilities and high potential for the future. This timely decision now allows us to concentrate on the present championship and, in parallel, to prepare for our 2012 MotoGP program with the change to the 1000cc bikes.”
Spies commented: "I am very happy to say that I will remain a part of the Yamaha family and that I will continue in the MotoGP series for 2012. This is a privileged time of my career riding for the most successful team in recent years at the very highest racing level. Yamaha has been great in supporting me through World Superbike and on to MotoGP and I want to thank them for all they have done, and for giving me their trust to continue in MotoGP in 2012. I especially would like to say thank you to Lin Jarvis and Masahiko Nakajima for their support.”
Yamaha press release
Jokarwilis Slideshow: Widiyanto’s trip from Jakarta, Java, Indonesia to 14 cities Thailand, Paris, Singapore, Baltimore, Japan (near Tokyo, Kanto, Japan), Bali, Taipei, Bandung, Malang, Malibu, Hawaiian Gardens, Bogor, Carita and Bahama was created by TripAdvisor. See another United States slideshow. Create your own stunning free slideshow from your travel photos.
Karina by Jokarwilis Slideshow: Karina’s trip to Jakarta, Java, Indonesia was created by TripAdvisor. See another Jakarta slideshow. Create your own stunning slideshow with our free photo slideshow maker.

Inilah Tanda Orang Terkena Gangguan Jin

1. Gejala pada waktu tidur :

1. Susah tidur malam, yaitu tidak bisa tidur kecuali setelah lama/bersusah payah
Susah bangun, yaitu kebanyakan tidur sehingga tidak bisa melakukan ibadah –ibadah yang diinginkan
Cemas, sering terbangun pada waktu malam
Mimpi buruk, mimpi melihat sesuatu yang mengancamnya lalu ingin berteriak minta pertolongan tetapi tidak bisa
Mimpi melihat berbagai binatang seperti : kucing, anjing, tikus, onta, kuda, monyet, serigala, harimau dll
Bunyi gigi geraham beradu pada saat tidur
Tertawa, menangis, teriak, mengomel pada saat tidur
Merintih pada saat tidur
Mimpi seolah-olah jatuh dari tempat yang sangat tinggi
Berdiri dan berjalan dalam keadaan tidur dan tanpa kesadaran
Mimpi berada dalam lingkungan pemakaman,didalam kuburan, tempat sampah atau jalan yang mengerikan
Mimpi melihat orang aneh seperti tinggi sekali, pendek sekali, putih sekali, hitam sekali
Mimpi sangat menyeramkan/melihat hantu
Mimpi denga lawan jenis/sama jenis yang sam berkali-kali dan ingin bertemu dengan orang yang dimimpikan
Mimpi seakan tertindih benda yang sangat berat ( Tidihan-bhs Jawa) dan sulit untuk melepaskan
Mendengkur sangat keras
Mimpi melihat/bertemu dengan keluarga yang sudah mati,melihat mayat
Mimpi berada dalam abad lampau
Mimpi terjadi peristiwa dan keesokan harinya terjadi peristiwa yang sama dalam mimpi

2. Gejala – gejala Pada wktu terjaga

Sering was – was/ketakutan
Suka marah – marah/ emosi tidak terkendali
Dorongan kuat untuk bermaksiat
Lesu dan malas sekali untuk beribadah
Sulit sekali untuk khusu’ dalam sholat ( susah untuk mengingat sudah berapa rokat yang sudah kerjakan )
Suka sekali menghayal, melamun, mengurung diri
Selalu pusing tidak disebabkan oleh penyakit pada kedua mata, telinga, hidung, gigi, tenggorokan atau lambung
Selalu berpaling dari dzikrullah, meninggalkan/meremehkan untuk menegakkan/melakukan sholat dan ketaatan yang lainnya
Pikiran selalu linglung, selalu sedih tanpa sebab, jantung deg-degkan tanpa sebab,kesurupan
Merasa ada yang mengikuti, mengejar ingin membunuh/mengancam, merasa akan kedatangan seseorang/beberapa orang, merasa akan dilamar seseorang, merasa ada yang mengajak bicara, mendengar bisikan – bisikan agar melakukan sesuatu ( membunuh, memperkosa/bersetubuh dengan anggota keluarga, memukul,bunuh diri dengan meloncat sungai/gedung bertingkat/melintasi rel kereta api diwaktu kereta api lewat)
Sering mendengar orang memanggil namanya
Sering mencium bau-bauan : wangi( kembang/bunga, menyan/dupa, busuk, anyir,dll )
Melihat benda – benda seolah – olah bergerak, berputar, terbalik, miring
Melakukan tindakan – tindakan yang aneh/konyol tanpa disadari
tiba-tiba dapat meramal/membaca pikiran orang lain/mengetahui apa yang akan terjadi
Cemas dan Paranoid ( takut yang berlebihan )
Melihat penampakan makhluk halus atau merasakan keberadaan mekhluk halus
Rasa sakit pada salah satu anggota badan namun setelah periksa ke dokter tidak terdapat penyakit secara medis/dokter tidak sanggup mengobatinya
Tanda-tanda diatas adalah sebagian dari tanda gangguan jin. Masih banyak lagi tanda-tanda yang belum tercantum

AdMob Adds Tablet Ad Formats

by Mark Walsh, Yesterday, 4:29 PM

AdMob today unveiled a new set of tablet ad formats and enhanced developer tools in connection with the one-year anniversary of its formal acquisition by Google. The mobile ad network also said it now gets more than 2.7 billion ad requests, up from about 800 million a year ago and 2 billion at the start of 2011.

The four new in-app tablet units include a pair of video formats: one for full-screen interactive video ads, and another type that can be overlaid on a branded image. Between the other two, one is geared to showcasing image galleries within ads and the other for showing 360-degree product or other views.

The new ad units are only available for the iPad at present, but Android compatibility is expected soon. Those formats are also in addition to a cross-platform interstitial format AdMob already offers for the iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

"These new HTML5-based ad formats are built specifically for tablets' larger, HD screens, and make use of features like touch, tap and swipe," stated a post on the Google Mobile Ads blog today. "Together, these features will enable advertisers to develop rich, engaging campaigns and run them across multiple mobile platforms."

A demo on the site showed a campaign for the Paramount blockbuster "Thor" that used the cross-platform ad and a new branded video ad employed by Coldwell Banker. It has an informational video running in the center of a static image of a house, including the real estate giant's branding.

AdMob also said that in the last six months alone, traffic from tablets on its network has grown 300%. To help developers expand their business, the company is also releasing a "significant upgrade" to its "House Ads" offering, which developers can use to promote their own products with mobile apps. The update includes improved campaign management, new ad formats and better ad targeting.

In the coming months, "we'll also improve mobile app developers' ability to use AdMob to deliver the most valuable ad by integrating a new "mediation" feature that selects the best ad from multiple, competing ad networks directly into the Google AdMob Ads SDK," stated the post.

AdMob also promised deeper integration with Google ad tools, with the goal of providing seamless ad management across the desktop, video, mobile and tablets. To that end, it earlier this week rolled out DoubleClick rich media ads for the mobile network. In the next few weeks, Google plans to add support for mobile to its DoubleClick for Publishers Small Business ad-serving product.

Will and Kate's Wild $720,000 Honeymoon

Everyone's favorite royal couple, Will and Kate, have returned from their honeymoon. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge spent ten days relaxing and exploring the Seychelles, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean.

The pair have vacationed at the island chain back in 2007, but this time palace officials are (understandably) pretty mum on the details of their trip. Luckily, members of the Seychelles government had no problem talking to the media about the honeymoon. Reportedly, Will and Kate saw a turtle nest hatching and went on several dives, even swimming up close and personal to giant stingrays and even sharks! They sound like a pretty adventurous couple, don't they?

Even better, the Duke and Duchess honeymooned with a conscious - the Seychelles are known for promoting sustainable tourism.

"[Will and Kate] are very aware of our environmental record and the fact that Seychelles puts such a high premium on our environment," a Seychellois spokeswoman told US Weekly. "Over 50 percent of our land is deemed as a nature reserve, so there’s very little land for development. It's definitely very important to Prince William."

The honeymoon is said to have cost Kate's family about $720,000. Expenses included travel, security and accommodations (11 villas were rented out to ensure privacy for the couple). Wow. I'm sure the glamorous break was well-worth it, considering what a busy schedule they have for the summer! Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are celebrating their birthdays in mid-June, and Will and Kate will be heading to Canada at the end of June. After that, it's Kate's first trip to America - the couple is making their first official foreign trip to California in July.